Joyrex Labs


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3.24. Time - Timing of Gesture

3.24.1. Description

Records where a gesture occurs in the word order of a spoken utterance

3.24.2. Format

entry      ::=  value_set [op value_set]*
value_set  ::=  value_list [set_op value_list]*
value_list ::=  value [list_op value]*
value      ::=  0.5, 1..N, N.5 <See description below>
list_op    ::=  ","
set_op     ::=  "/"
op         ::=  ";"

3.24.3. Values

Values have the following interpretations:

Value Meaning Description
0.5, 1 .. N, N.5 Timing indices Timing of gesture with respect to the Enum column entry (N is the largest number associated with a word in the Enum column entry)
X Null No speech to available to relate
NA Not applicable Speech excluded by CHAT or to the Enum column entry

Ops are drawn from the following set of operators:

Op Meaning
; Separates all codes
/ Used to combine representational codes into single units
, Used to create a list of values

3.24.4. Vertical Dependencies


3.24.5. Horizontal Dependencies

Time is dependent on the Form Column, the Utts Column, and the Enum Column.

Time Conditions
0.5, 1 .. N.5, N When the gesture is accompanied by normal speech, the values can be 0.5, N.5, or an integral value between 1 and N, inclusive, where N is the number of words in the Enum column.
X Used when a gesture is not accompanied by speech of any kind, i.e. there is no value entered in either the Utts or the Enum column.
NA Used when there is an entry in Form and Utts, but, because of the CHAT handling of speech errors and meaningless speech, the Enum column is empty. As a result, timing of gesture with respect to speech is, for our purposes, not an applicable characteristic.

3.24.6. Depended Upon By
