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3.25. Time_Gen - General Timing

3.25.1. Description

Records, in general terms, where gestures fall in relation to the whole utterance

3.25.2. Format

entry     ::=  value_set [op value_set]*
value_set ::=  null | value [set_op value]*
value     ::=  "B" | "M" | "E" | "W"
null      ::=  "X"
set_op    ::=  "/"
op        ::=  ";"

3.25.3. Values

Code Meaning Description
B Beginning Gesture overlaps with the beginning of the utterance but does not last until the end
M Middle Gesture is performed entirely within the utterance
E End Gesture overlaps with the end of the utterance but not the beginning
W Whole Gesture overlaps with the whole utterance
X Null Null for some reason
NA Not applicable Not applicable for some other reason

Ops are drawn from the following set of operators:

Op Meaning
; Separates all codes
/ Used to combine representational codes into single units
, Used to create a list of values

3.25.4. Vertical Dependencies


3.25.5. Horizontal Dependencies

Time_Gen is dependent upon the Time (Gesture) Column and the Enum Column.

General timing translates the values found in Time (Gesture) to a simplified code that indicates the extent and position of overlap between gesture and speech. The conversion works as follows:

-Determine the highest number associated with a word in the Enum column, N

-If an entry in Time (Gesture) begins with 0.5 or 1 and ends with a value
that is less than N, the matching Time_Gen entry is B.
-If an entry in Time (Gesture) begins with a value greater than 1 and ends
with a value less than N, the matching Time_Gen entry is M.
-If an entry in Time (Gesture) begins with a value greater than 1 and ends
with a value that is either equal to N or N.5, the matching Time_Gen entry is E.
-If an entry in Time (Gesture) begins with 0.5 or 1 and ends with a value
that is equal to either N or N.5, the matching Time_Gen entry is W.
-If the value in Time (Gesture) is X or NA, it is the same in

3.25.6. Depended Upon By
