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3.27. Word_Num - Enumeration of Speech Correlate

3.27.1. Description

Records the Enum Column index of the word that is reinforced or disambiguated by a gesture performed during the utterance.

3.27.2. Format

entry           ::=  value_set [op value_set]*
value_set       ::=  null | [non_consecutive] value_list [set_op value_list]*
null            ::=  "NA" | "UC" | "X"
non_consecutive ::=  "*"
value_list      ::=  value [list_op value]*
value           ::=  <integer no greater than the largest value in Enum>
list_op         ::=  ","
set_op          ::=  "/"
op              ::=  ";"

3.27.3. Values

Values are either a list of integers corresponding to the enumeration of an utterance (optionally preceded by a * to indicate that they are tied to non-consecutive words) or one of the three null codes described below:

Null Meaning Description
NA Not applicable The gesture is only accompanied by meaningless speech
UC Unclear The words being reinforced or disambiguated are unclear
X Null The gesture neither reinforces nor disambiguates

Ops are drawn from the following set of operators:

Op Meaning
; Separates all codes
/ Used to combine representational codes into single units
, Used to create a list of values

3.27.4. Vertical Dependencies


3.27.5. Horizontal Dependencies

Word_Num is dependent on the Enum Column and the Word Column.

X is only allowed when the corresponding value in Word is also X.

UC is permitted whenever appropriate.

NA is permitted only when the utterance is composed exclusively of meaningless speech resulting in an empty Enum entry. Effectively, this means that when Word is NA, Word_Num should be as well.

Otherwise, the values in each value set of Word_Num should be the numbers appearing in Enum that are associated with the corresponding value set in Word. Just like with Word, the * indicates non-consecutive values.

For Example:

Enum = "1|How 2|are 3|you 4|and 5|where 6|are 7|you 8|going 9|?"
Word = "ARE YOU"
Word_Num could be either "2,3" or "6,7" but not "2,7"

Enum = "1|The 2|pink 3|bunny 4|and 5|Tuvok 6|are 7|married 8|."
Word_Num = "*3,5"

3.27.6. Depended Upon By
