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3.32. Persp - Perspective of Representational Gesture

3.32.1. Description

Determines when iconic gestures are produced from a character (1st person) versus an observer (3rd person) point of view

3.32.2. Format

entry    ::=  code_set [op code_set]*
code_set ::=  null | code [set_op code]*
null     ::=  "X"
code     ::=  "1" | "3" | "G" | "UC"
set_op   ::=  "/"
op       ::=  ";"

3.32.3. Values

Codes must be drawn from the following:

Code Meaning Description
1 First person Gesture is produced as though the gesturer is performing the action or embodying the object
3 Third person Gesture is performed as though the gesturer is looking at the action or object from a distance
G Global Concept is one that cannot have a 1st person perspective
UC Unclear Perspective of gesture is unclear (could be either 1st or 3rd person)
X Null Gesture is non-iconic (i.e. deictic, conventional, or functional acts)

Ops are drawn from the following set of operators:

Op Meaning
; Separates all codes
/ Used to combine representational codes into single units

3.32.4. Vertical Dependencies


3.32.5. Horizontal Dependencies

Persp is dependent on the G_Type Column.

When a representational gesture is coded in the G_Type column, its corresponding code in Persp should always be chosen from 1, 3, G, and UC. The null code X is reserved only for non-iconic gestures as they lack iconic perspective by definition.

3.32.6. Depended Upon By
