Number of questions that start with a wh- word (where, what, etc.)
Negative Examples:
Number of questions that start with an auxiliary (standard English question word order), excluding conjunctions and vocatives.
Negative Examples:
Number of questions formed from a declarative (ordinary) sentence with a tag, like “did he?”, tacked onto the end.
Negative Examples:
Number of sentences that end in a question mark but do not fall into any of the previous categories of marked question, having the form of a standard declarative sentence.
Negative Examples:
Number of sentences that end in a question mark and contain a negative particle.
Negative Examples:
Number of sentences that do not end in a question mark but do contain a negative particle. (“No” is not considered a negative particle.)
Negative Examples:
For each transcript, number of 1 word utterances, number of 2 word utterances, number of 3 word utterances, number of 4 word utterances, and number of utterances exceeding 4 words in length.
For each transcript, number of 0 clause utterances, number of 1 clause utterances, number of 2 clause utterances, and number of utterances with a number of clauses greater than 2.
Number of noun phrases which appear chronologically before the main verb of their clause, disregarding syntactic role.
Negative Examples:
Number of noun phrases which appear chronologically after the main verb of their clause, disregarding syntactic role.
Negative Examples:
Number of verbs appearing with both a subject and an object.